Writing about writing is a ton of fun, but not everyone learns through lectures. Some of us are visual learners. So I thought I’d share some of the infographics I have created over the years. Please enjoy and share, but give credit to the site. Also, leave a comment if you find any of these tips helpful or if you have questions. I’d love to further the conversation on these subjects.
For more information on how to capture violence in a scene, try my “Five Cutthroat Tips for Writing Killer Action” or consider how description can play a role in whether the audience gains pain or pleasure from your scene.
Description or setting is the first aspect of making a scene memorable for the reader, but here’s some advice to help move past the first step and into a cycle that will make your scene sing.
What’s the key ingredient missing in the infographic above? That’s right DIALOGUE. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with eight steps that will put yours in the stratosphere. Hear more about what I have to say on this subject on the Cozy Ink Podcast (coming soon)!
Now that we’ve broken down D.I.A.L.O.G.U.E, here’s another acronym for all you lovers of literature out there.
Romance readers aren’t the only people who appreciate a powerhouse scene. Punch up any scenario by taking it to the third dimension.
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