The second quarter of 2024 has opened the door to several opportunities. Mark your calendar so we can meet in person.
Women’s Fiction Writers Association – “How to Craft Killer Dialogue” – Wednesday, May 15, 4:00 p.m. PT / 7:00 p.m. ET – The registration link for this online dialogue workshop will be announced soon.
ThrillerFest XIX – CraftFest – “The Power of Setting” – Wednesday, May 29, 8:30 a.m. ET – CraftFest is a live writers’ conference containing two full days of seminars on everything from brainstorming, drafting, and marketing a novel to practical knowledge sessions about firearms and forensics. My session will discuss the role setting plays in developing a compelling mystery. For registration and more information, click here to enter the CraftFest website.
International Thriller Writers – 11th Annual Online Thriller School – “How to Craft Killer Dialogue” – This is a ten-week program, which begins September 10, 2024, and runs through November 12th. The focus is on the craft of thriller writing and each instructor will teach an aspect of craft during a live Zoom session. The school will provide printable materials for further reading along with study suggestions (when applicable) and offer live Q&A. Classes will take place every Tuesday from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Eastern during the ten-week run. My session will take place, Tuesday, September 24, and will cover “How to Craft Killer Dialogue for Thrillers.” For registration information, click here to visit the ITW Online Thriller School. Or if you’d simply like to get some information on dialogue TODAY, order my dialogue book.
Lastly, my new critical essay “The Accessibility of Cozies: How Playing Fair Has Helped Cozies Endure” will be included in the upcoming anthology “Writing the Cozy Mystery: Authors’ Perspectives on Their Craft.” The volume will be release late Fall 2024. Please check back here, join my mailing list, or visit my Instagram for the preorder link, which I will post as soon as it is available. In the meantime, please enjoy a preview of the cover.
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